
Notable Negro League Baseball Games

In its initial release(s) of Negro League games, Retrosheet focused on what could perhaps be called "special event" games: All-Star games, postseason games, and interracial matchups. Going forward, it is Retrosheet's intention to focus primarily on compiling regular-season games for Negro League seasons. This is likely to take several years, however.

In the meantime, we thought that there might be some interest in looking at some particularly notable Negro League games throughout history. Hence, Retrosheet has consolidated its earlier releases into a new section of Notable Negro League games. It has also expanded its collection of Negro League games to encompass seven additional categories of games. Overall, Retrosheet has compiled game data for 643 "notable" Negro League games, played in seasons for which Retrosheet has not yet released full data, across eleven game categories. Many games fall into multiple categories here.

Details about these games can be found by clicking through any of the eleven bullets above.

Game files, box-score files, and event files, along with roster files for the teams involved, can be downloaded here.

Main Page for Negro League Baseball

Page Updated: 4/8/2022

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