
African-American Newspapers

The primary source of data on Negro League baseball games is the African-American newspapers of the time. During the pre-integration period, most major American cities had one or more African-American newspapers. Most of these newspapers were weekly and the extent to which they covered baseball (and other sports) differed considerably.

African-American newspapers from this time period include (but are not limited to) the following.

Retrosheet would like to collect the available coverage of Negro League and interracial baseball from as many of these newspapers as possible. If you have access to any such newspapers and/or would be willing to help in this collection effort, please contact Retrosheet's treasurer, Tom Thress ( Please also let us know of any other African-American (or other) newspapers which may be helpful in our efforts.

Thank you very much!

Main Page for Negro League Baseball

Page Updated: 2/15/2021

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