
Retrosheet File Types

Retrosheet makes its game-level detail available two ways.

Data available for viewing at Retrosheet's website
First, every game for which Retrosheet has released data gets its own web page (e.g., the 1933 East-West All-Star Game).

These pages begin by showing the date, location, and final score of the game. They then present a line score (if one is known) and a box score. For Negro League games for which we have not found full box scores, some information may be missing here. A narrative description of the game then follows. For games with complete (or deduced) play-by-play data, a full narrative description of the entire game will be presented. For other games, a description of run-scoring events (for which some information is known) may be presented.

Negro League games played within seasons for which Retrosheet has released preliminary season data (1948, 1947, and 1946 so far) can be accessed through the Negro League seasons page.

Because of the fragmentary nature of Negro League data, which leads to significant uncertainty regarding games played (we are likely missing many games played between Negro League teams even for those seasons for which we have released data) as well as uncertainty within games (especially those for which we are missing box scores), Retrosheet does not present compiled statistical data for Negro League seasons. Instead, all that is available at either the team or individual level are game logs with links to the specific games for which we have information that involved a particular team or player. At least for now, Retrosheet will leave the compilation of season and career statistics to other sites or as an exercise for the reader.

Other games which Retrosheet may have released already can be accessed through the page describing notable Negro League games. These games are included in the game logs presented at player pages.

Data available for download from Retrosheet's website
In addition to what is available on its website, Retrosheet has created three types of files which are available for download.

First, are event files, which usually include .EV in their name. These files present play-by-play detail for games for which Retrosheet has such data. A subset of these files are deduced event files, which sometimes include .ED in their name instead of .EV. These files are identical in structure to event files but some of the plays within these games are deduced from newspaper game stories and box scores so that these games may include some uncertainties. Event files are described in some detail here.

The second type of file offered by Retrosheet for download are box-score files, which include .EB in their name. These files present the level of information typically available in newspaper box score. Box-score files are described here.

The third type of file offered by Retrosheet is the newest type of file and has been introduced in conjunction with Retrosheet's expansion to include the Negro Leagues. This type of file is called a "game file" and will typically include .GF in its name. The structure of the game file largely mirrors box-score files but may include less information depending on the level of newspaper coverage found for such games. Game files also include additional information regarding team-level totals and the timing and nature of some game events, including how, when, and by whom runs were scored in the game if known. Game files are described here.

Main Page for Negro League Baseball

Page Updated: 2/12/2022

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