Proposed changes to the Policy Manual


1.Add new section:


H.Composition of the Board of Directors


The Board of Directors of the Corporation shall be composed of the following positions:

����������� President/Chair of the Board

����������� Vice President/Treasurer

����������� Secretary

����������� Director

����������� Director


Any person wishing to be a candidate for a Board position will run for a particular open post on the Board and may only run for one position.



2.Delete the highlighted sentence from the following section:


D.Nominating Committee


The Nominating Committee, whose existence and membership are delineated in the By-Laws of the Corporation, shall submit a slate of candidates for the vacant position(s) that conforms to the By-Laws.The actual selection process shall be left to the Committee.



3.Add the following to the end of section (D):


The Nominating Committee shall follow these guidelines:


a)       The Committee will propose at least one (1) and not more than two (2) candidates for each open position on the Board of Directors.

b)       Each candidate for a Board position will have a valid e-mail address available for Board business and communication.

c)       The Committee will ask each candidate for a statement, which will include at least a list of volunteer activities performed for Retrosheet, Inc. and a statement of the candidate�s vision of the future direction of Retrosheet, Inc.These statements will be presented to the Committee for consideration.