Retrosheet Board Meeting, West   Palm Beach,  FL
June 23, 2000; start time 2:00  p.m.; adjournment 2:59 p.m.

Seventh Meeting of the Board  
Present:                                                                       Absent:
            David Smith, president                                                    None
            Sherri Nichols, vice-president (by phone)
            David Vincent, secretary
            Luke Kraemer, director (by phone)
            Clem Comly, director

Non-voting attendees:
Clay Davenport                         Jeff Powers-Beck                      Tom Ruane
Scott Fischthal                        Pete Palmer                           Sean Holtz
Bob McConnell                          Mark Simon                            Tom Howell
Bernie Esser                           Ron Kaplan                            Stephen Grimble
Les Jackson                            Steve Gietschier                      Tim Wiles
Steve Milman                           Mark Alvarez                          Paul Matthew
John Matthew IV                        Gary Namanny                          Neal Traven
Bob Tiemann                            Ted Turocy                            Lyle Spatz
Joe Dittmar                            Doug Pappas                           Phyllis Otto
Greg Spira                             Sean Lahman                           Mark Pankin
Jim Johnston                           Arnie Braunstein                      John Jarvis
Jonathan Dunkle                        Mat Olkin


Sponsor            Purpose                                         Result
Comly              Approval of 1999 Minutes                        5-0

Comly              Accept Nominating Committee's report            5-0

Vincent            Election of Board Members
                   VP  Sherri Nichols                              5-0
                   President Dave Smith                            5-0

Vincent            By law change *                                 5-0

Comly              Accept Secretary's report *                     5-0

Comly              Accept Treasurer's report *                     5-0

Vincent            Accept amended President's report               5-0

Vincent            Instruct Mark Pankin to investigate             5-0
                   new physical site for web site

Comly              Move to adjourn                                 5-0

* - separate document

Other discussion  
Old Business:

New Business:
1) Data release is done as timely as possible based on tedious work; we need help
2) RetroFile project (separate document)
3) Game Result Logs - request for help filling in data
4) NL daily computerization - request for help
5) Web site move
6) e-bay as source of material (don't bid against each other)