By laws amendments

By laws amendments







����������� There will be no formal categories of membership in the Corporation.Volunteers who donate their time and other friends of the Corporation will receive the organization newsletter, which will be published at a frequency to be determined by the Board. [delete text � replace with] Volunteers who donate their time and other friends of the Corporation will have access to RetroList, the e-mail list which is used to exchange information among RetroFriends.



Section 6.4������� Chair of the Board of Directors and President


����������� It is expected that these two positions will be filled by one person who shall be the chief executive officer of the Corporation.Subject to the direction and control of the Board of Directors, this individual shall have three major areas of responsibility:


����������� A.������ In the capacity of Chair of the Board, this person shall chair meetings of the Board of Directors and shall have responsibility for preparation of the agenda for each meeting of the Board.In setting the agenda for the annual meeting, the Chair will issue a request for items to be placed on the agenda by notice in the Corporation newsletter at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting. [delete text � replace with] In setting the agenda for the annual meeting, the Chair will issue a request for items to be placed on the agenda by notice on the RetroList and the official website of the corporation at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting. The Chair shall conduct those meetings according to Robert�s Rules of Order.



Policy Manual amendments




Precedence Table:

����������������������� 1.Collection of play-by-play accounts

����������������������� 2.Distribution of play-by-play accounts to translators/inputters

����������������������� 3.Annual meeting expenses (meeting room rental, phone, etc.)

����������������������� 4.Publication of Newsletter [delete text]

����������������������� 5.Personal expenses (phone calls, postage, etc.)



Remove section G, 1. (Publications, Newsletter)


Submitted by David Vincent